Ok. So officially for the next few weeks I will be doing school from Tuesday until Saturday. I have obviously found it to be difficult to post on Saturday and Sunday. So I'm going to experiment. I will continue to do Wednesday. That has been fun. I will also continue the Week in Review on Saturday. I am going to try doing the Sneak Peek on Monday, but it will definitely be up by Tuesday. I think that Sunday is so busy that in the afternoon between church services all I want to do is relax with Zak. Monday is difficult as well because I use that day to recover my house from the weekend. So we will see how this works!
We have a very fun week planned with lots of fun crafts. We will be introducing the letter Ff and talking about farms a lot. Our Bible lesson for the week also fits the farm theme. We will be talking about the parable of the sower. I hope to have some good conversation with Annabelle on this. It will most likely be spur of the moment because I don't have a whole lot planned specifically to enhance the lesson. I was going to be checking out Hubbards Cupboard today to see if there were any supplemental activities on that site. So onto the rest of the activities. So many things you can do with this theme, it's had to choose!
This is a picture of our farm activities for the week. Starting at the top left and going around clockwise. Roll a barn is a fun game that we are going to do with our big dice that we got in the Target dollar bins. It is played just like the game Cooties....only you're trying to build a barn instead of a cootie. Then there are farm animal coloring books. Next is a game called How Many Spots. I plan on using black or brown pom poms for the spots. You play by drawing a number card and placing that many spots on the cow. Simple enough right? Then we have a farm animal matching game. I am also going to see how Annabelle does at playing memory with them. Also we have a heads and tails matching game. This is fun because Annabelle and Asa can be silly with these too and make funny animals. Last but not least is a barn puzzle. I actually printed out two of these pages, cut one into squares and I'm going to have Annabelle paste them onto the picture. Thought that would be more interesting for her than a paper puzzle....plus she loves to use glue sticks. :) All of these printouts can be found here: http://www.1plus1plus1equals1.com/FarmTotBook.html
and here:
That is it for pictures. In addition to all of these things I got out our Little People farm, our farm animal beanie babies, farm themed books and puzzles, and even fun Melissa and Doug farm scene magnets. Should be a great week! Happy blogging.
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