Friday, June 25, 2010

Favorite Resources

Ok. Just listed my absolute favorite resource links (at the bottom of my blog page). All of these links combined are what I used to put together the preschool curriculum....I was a lot of work. But hopefully by my sifting through them all (and there are a TON out there) someone else will reap the benefit! If you have any questions on what site would be the best to find something specific ask me. These sites and I have been fairly intimate over the past couple years, and I would be happy to find something for you!

Today I'm leaving you with a basic description of the sites that I'm using that way you don't have to visit each one to know what is on them.

Carpe Diem....time for me to get my butt moving, it's cleaning day! Happy blogging.


Laternfish/Boggles and TLSBooks both have fantastic absolutely free worksheets for preschoolers. These sites alone will equip you with what you need to give your child what they would learn in preschool.

Teaching Toddlers(Pamm's House) - This site has all the themed weeks that I'm doing...lots of good basic stuff at this site that you would be able to just open up and follow with hardly any preperation. Can sometimes be young for preschoolers, but easy to beef up.

DLTK - Love, love, love this site....soooo much stuff in here...most of the crafts offered require only a printer with ink, glue, scissors, and basic things that you have around the house, you could be at this site for a long time and still not see everything!

Everything Preschool - This site I mostly just use the Alphabet Ideas tab...but there is other good stuff too.

Preschool Express - Just like the dltk website, you could be here forever and still not see everything!! I absolutely use this website for almost every day that I have planned....great, unique ideas.

MSSS Crafts and Bible Lessons - This site is where I get most my Bible lessons from....look to the right near the will say Bible Lessons with options for OT Lessons or NT on one, pick what you want, then a whole big list will come up....I find that the ones marked Mission Arlington are the best...if this explanation is confusing let me know and I'll see if I can clear it up...

Henny Penny - This site has great supplements for OT Bible lessons....I only wish they had more!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hello Blogging World!!

In an attempt to keep myself accountable while homeschooling my daughter, who is in preschool, I will by blogging to the masses (or whoever might be reading). I have been working very hard and diligently since she was two to put together a 'curriculum' and believe that I have achieved what I set out to do. I plan on posting our weekly themes, lessons, projects, and of course pictures of it all.

Anyway, sorry for the thesis statement.

It is amazing to think that my beautiful Annabelle is almost four. I remember the day she was born in vivid detail (not too pretty so I won't share...). I'm really excited to watch her learn and discover things this year. Hopefully I won't screw her up or teach her something wrong, and she won't come out of this thinking that 'c' is for elephant.....

We will begin our preschool on August 2, so as you can imagine the month of July is crunch time for me. I've been preparing like a mad woman all the games and lessons. All the hustle and bustle of it is making Annabelle anticipate something great...and I only hope I meet her expectations.

That is all I have time for tonight. I do plan on posting my Daily Routine, favorite resource websites, and anything else that might be of interest, to you all. Also to come will be a post on why I chose homeschooling...nothing preachy, more of a 'in case you wanted to know' post.

Sweet dreams, don't let the bedbugs bite....and happy blogging
