I worked on new ways to help Annabelle cope with working independently today during our morning school time. This is the time when she works on language arts. I think that with time this will eventually go much more smoothly. At least today her attitude was MUCH better.
We have books that she will work out of most days. I wanted her to be able to know where to stop without me having to check on her. (Even though she comes to show me her book after every little step she does...we will work on that next).

Here is my solution for her. I printed off a clip art stop sign, laminated it, and then put it on the page that she is to stop on. She works each page until she sees the sign. She really thought that this was great.

This is our first day working in the Explode the Code book so I needed to help her with the directions. Other than that she worked very well by herself. I took this picture while I was helping Asa. Most of the time I would have to be solely paying attention to her in order for her to feel
confident about doing work like this. A step in the right direction!

Happy blogging.
Linking up to Homeschool Creations. :)
Love this! I havent had a need for this just yet, but I have a feeling I will soon. Thank you!