Another week down here at Tot School. We had a fun and slightly disheveled week here. We got a lot accomplished. We continued with some fall theme trays and our theme of the week was My Body. We learned some new body parts (like ankle), and talked a little about what goes on inside our bodies.
This is a 'pumpkin seed' counting activity. I don't know if you can see them that great but there are numbers written in each pumpkin to show how many seeds are supposed to go in it.

We had a stamping station set up. I thought that this would get used a lot more, but maybe next time.

I made this color matching game out of clothes pins and paint sample cards (for some reason the name for them is completely escaping me right now!

I think that these were a little difficult for Asa because the colors are so similar. I think that I will keep it out, but I'm going to keep only the darkest and lightest colors in the basket for now.

I had a lot of these left over so Asa had a fun cutting activity. I think that I will have him cut them down smaller this week and we'll make a fun Thanksgiving mosaic out of them.....

This cute little print out is from
Lawteedah. We had a fun time doing it.....

.....but Asa is in serious denial of his hair color (he colored it brown...and as you can see his hair is anything but brown).

He had a good time working on these sheets from
2 Teaching Mommies. He cut out all the words and found the correct body parts all by himself.

These were our Body Dice this week. Each side had a different body part on the dice and after it was rolled Asa (or Silas or Annabelle....and even Mommy) would point to the body part that it was showing.

Identifying his leg.

Thanks to
Pinterest I found a couple really cute crafts that we enjoyed together. This was our 'What's Inside' craft. This idea was found at
Homeschool Share. Cutting out his stomach.

So there is a stomach, heart, lungs, and esophagus. I was trying to review the parts that we learned with him.....this is how that conversation went:
Me: Asa what are these (pointing at the baggies and straws..)
Asa: They're
Me: (giggling)...Very good buddy.

Annabelle and Asa also made cute little skeletons out of q-tips. We talked a little bit about the function of bones, but for the most part Asa just relates them to the hard things inside us. :)

Annabelle did the glue by herself....I think she did a good job (
hers is on the left).

These next couple of trays were more geared toward Silas. He focused on the letter Ff this week. This is a print out from the fantastic Ff tot school unit from
1+1+1=1. Silas really likes these bead letters a lot.

This was the body sensory bin. What is more appropriate than some Mr. Potato Head pieces to learn body parts with?

The kids had a pretty fun time with this....and it was definitely not as messy as the rice bin!
lol Jude thinks he's pretty funny with putting two arms on the same side of Mr. Potato's body. :)

Silas really wants some cool glasses just like his awesome mommy. :)

These are the vocab cards from the same 1+1+1=1 unit. I taped them to a tray and Silas matched Mr. Potato Head's body parts to the correct cards. This was his favorite tray this week.

He also really enjoyed the dot markers. This kid would've done this all. day. long. this particular day if I had let him (and I did let him.....from 11 all the way until
nap time (1:30)!)

This is a fun silly faces game that we have. I think it's by Discovery Toys. We've used it before with Asa, but it was really fun to see Silas try to make some of the faces. He really only had two looks down though.....

The tongue....

....and the smile. sweet I could just eat him up!! :)

Happy blogging!
hakLinking up to
1+1+1=1 and
Montessori Monday
I love the idea of using paint chips for cutting strips! Of course, we haven't mastered scissors yet, but I'll have to remember that one when the time comes. I just picked up a bunch the other week to use with clothespins-- we'll see how it goes! Oh and I love the sensory bin idea too :)
ReplyDeleteThe Q tip skeleton is super cute- we are going to do a bit of a body/feelings/family theme this month {before moving onto Christmas- WOO HOO!} but I am behind on my planning as usual. Will keep this in mind!
ReplyDeleteI am pretty sure my almost 2 year old would only get the toungue and smile down as well- oh and if there was a "pull a raspberry" face he would get that one too.
Lovely week!
i just can't deal- what a wonderful way to wake up this morning!! love the skeletons, the stwaws, the smiles, the hair..... mostly love the kids :)
ReplyDeleteSo many fun activities! Your children are so adorable. Love the potato head body parts sensory bin and q-tip skeleton. :)
ReplyDeleteWOW - there is so much here I love! Love the paint swatches, body part labeling, and cotton swab skeleton! I would love for you to link up to my TGIF Linky Party - - I am also your newest follower! I would love for you to follow me back, if you want to =-)
such fab ideas!!! Love the silly faces game idea! I need to do this with my daughter. We have a great book called Peekaboo baby that would go well with this! Thanks for the great ideas!
ReplyDeleteGreat theme and I love how you used the Mr. Potato Head pieces, so fun! And I too love Pinterest -- I'm always so proud of myself when I actually make something I have pinned there :)
ReplyDeleteGreat activities! Thanks for linking up with Montessori Monday! I pinned your post to two different Pinterest boards at Your color matching game is on my DIY Sensorial Extensions board and your Q-Tip skeleton is on my Kids' Halloween Activities board!
ReplyDeleteWow, what a great week, filled with fun activities. I love the use of Mr. potato head pieces for body part exploration. I'll have to keep that in mind for future use!