Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 6 in Review

Sorry it is late. Which means this weeks focus will be a day late too. Zak is home this week on vacation so that is really exciting and distracting. I also got a much needed girls overnight with great friends this last weekend which also caused the delay. To top it all off I sliced through my finger (my right index one at that!) and am attempting to type this up still without it. I didn't get any pictures if Asa this week....sad, but there are some of the other two. So without further adieu, here are the pictures of our week.

C is for caterpillar (and cotton balls). We made fun Cc's that look like caterpillars. Annabelle picked black for her construction paper color, very different for her. Asa, on the other hand, picked a bright cheery yellow. :) Then we have the number 3s each with 3 circles, squares, and triangles on them. We also did a collage of things you can find in your home and talked a lot about family.

This little idea, though great in theory proved to be difficult for Annabelle and Asa. They had a hard time manipulating the yarn to follow the number 3. I probably won't repeat this for my kids when they are this age again. But here it is completed on the wall mostly done by me while they watched.
Here are the cute baskets with the fish and bread in them to assist with teaching the feeding of the 5,000. Asa's is on the left and Annabelle's is on the right. I must say that Asa was much more into school this week than Annabelle was. So his is more decorative than Annabelle's. I was pleased with how much Annabelle took away from this lesson. We were able to talk a lot about sharing and giving. And how important it is to give no matter how much or how little we have. I'm praying that this will become instilled in her little heart, and will be evidenced in the upcoming months.

These little handprints are what we made for their grandparents (they even painted the stems themselves). They are supposed to look like flowers. I'm not sure if they do or not, but they're cute either way. Annabelle was really excited to send these out in the mail. So any grandparents if you're reading this you should be getting these hopefully in the next couple days.
Also not pictured is Annabelle's first 'letter' that we sent out to her pen pal, Jasmine. She even received her first 'letter' from her today. Annabelle really enjoyed getting something in the mail.

Here is Silas 'sorting' erasers. He really just enjoyed picking them up off the floor and putting them in the little tray.

I would say that planting these carrot seeds were the highlight of Annabelle's week. She really enjoyed it. I just hope that she has more of a green thumb than me. lol Here she is putting the dirt into the pot.

Sprinkling the seeds into the dirt. Then we watered it.

Every morning the first thing she wants to do is check on her carrots, and sprinkle them with water. Nothing has popped up yet, and she is being very patient about it. Me on the other hand am very impatient and just hope I didn't kill the poor little things. lol

1 comment:

  1. What a great learning week they had!
    Hope your finger is healing quickly. OUCH!
