So Moses is a whole lot to be covering in one week, so we started a little last week and we will finish up/review some this week. Such a mighty man in the Bible. Many great things to learn from his life, and some really cool happenings such as the parting of the Red Sea, the Ten Plagues, the Ten Commandments, the burning bush, and just the fact that God set him apart for the deliverance of His people out of Egypt. So our week is packed with fun activities.
On top of all the Moses fun we will be having. I am introducing the letter Gg this week. There are a couple of fun crafts to do with this involving glitter (oh man). We always have the file folder game that I use to introduce the letters. These are really too easy for Annabelle. I do have her do them once just so she is able to recognize a capital G and a lowercase g, and so that she is able to identify the phonic this case g gift (hard G). Asa, on the other hand, loves these little games. He will do them over and over through out the week. So I'm glad all my hard work was not done in vain! I purchased a whole down loadable set of almost 300 file folder games and these alphabet ones were included in that package. I cannot for the life of me remember where I got them. I should find the site again though.
Gg is for garbage. lol I thought that this would be a fun game to play to help the letter stick in Annabelle's head a little better. So I bought a garbage can and made it look pretty (no, it has never been used for real garbage!). I find that Annabelle and Asa both react well to these little goofy games and helps them recall what they learned better (Annabelle in particular). Bonus: It makes learning super fun!
This last week and a half I underwent yet another transformation in our school area. I really like the workboxes and they are working very well for Annabelle and for the most part for Asa too. However, there are some bigger manipulatives that I want Asa to do that just don't fit in a workbox, and I wanted something great for Silas too. I have been reading this blog for quite a while: and absolutely LOVE the idea of Tot School. So I've taken the plunge and bought a shelf and trays and these last couple of days have really been focusing some time in the morning with Silas (who is eating up the attention). Then a little later in the morning, I focus some time completely on Asa. Plus, the shelf adds a needed distraction for Silas when I'm schooling with Annabelle. I also use the shelves to put Asa's bigger manipulatives/busy-work with a purpose on top of. So without further delay here is what is on the shelf this week:
Sorting buttons. This is on the top for Asa, but Silas has played with them some too. I likes the basket.
Here is a closer picture of the books. They are little finger puppets! Silas is loving these.
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