A few weeks ago I won a giveaway that was hosted by Mari-Ann at
Counting Coconuts. Her blog is a fantastic source of inspiration for me. Her ideas are incredible and always help me when brainstorming, and most of my tray activities branch off of hers. If you have a minute go and check her out. You won't be disappointed! :)
I was so excited about my win that I wanted to take a minute to share the bounty.
Vegetable and Fruits cards. These can be used for sorting, matching our play food too, making vocab cards to match to the correct one, etc. If you have any other ideas feel free to comment. :)

Pretty excited about these color cards. I plan on doing something similar to what Mari-Ann did in this
post. It will be a fun way for Silas to continue learning his colors, and for Asa to review them.

South American animals. These will come in handy when we do our
rainforest unit. The butterflies will be used sometime....not sure when yet. :)

I love these coins! All 3 of the
littles will use these this year. They are so big. The quarter in the picture is for size comparison. I also really like how there is an image of the front and the back of the coins.

Assortment of stickers and some sand dollar die cuts (which will come in handy our next time around in the ocean/beach theme). I know that these will prove useful as well.

So thank you Mari-Ann for your generosity! One of the reasons why I enjoy blogging so much is because of all the wonderful people you meet. It truly is a community of giving, whether tangible or inspirational. Happy blogging.
Aw, you're so sweet! I'm so glad you (finally!) received the package and that you're enjoying the goodies! *hugs*
Congratulations on your winnings! Looks like a lot of good stuff for some fun learning :)