We had a lot of fun with our Apple Theme the past couple weeks. If you missed the post on the apple trays or want to see what we are doing in more detail you can see them
Umm....this picture is just because I love it! I already posted it in Annabelle's review so sorry if it's repetitive. :)

Concentrating on cutting. He did this tray really very fast. Guess I need to find a way to make it more challenging for him.

He loves anything he can do with the big dice. If you don't have big dice I recommend them...they're one of our favorite tot school items (along with our pocket chart!).

Apple printing. This has been one of my favorite activities to do around this time of the year. I do it at home and I do it with my church kids....just so fun!

He is getting really good at recognizing and counting the numbers 1-10. I think that I'm going to have him start working on putting them in order (he struggles with that) and then we'll start introducing bigger numbers! This guy blows my mind with how fast he picks things up.

This is one of our recent phonics trays that I put together. You can see the most recent ones in more detail

Asa has been begging and begging me to do actual school work. I finally obliged and printed out some worksheets for him. He loved it and asked for more. Maybe I'll get him some Explode the Code books for Christmas.
Here are some tissue paper apples that we made. I should have outlined them in black construction paper. Hindsight.....

This is actually Annabelle's apple print wreath.

Silas really got into his trays this time....more so than normal.
Sidenote: He is in the same clothes in all these pictures because I only took pictures of him on one day. He likes it when I focus more on him than taking pictures so I've had to set the camera down a lot more around him.
Putting letter A on each
Aa. You can't hear him but he's saying, "A say ah". :) This guy is so observant...he knows all his uppercase letters (and a lot of lower case ones) just from watching his brother and sister (and Super Why).

Getting a little more consistent with his colors. He sorts them alright. Still having slight problems with red and green....and of course every color is still yellow.

He LOVES dot markers. Can we say stocking stuffer!

I've said this before, but these Lauri Fit-a-Shapes are wonderful! Time after time they are consistently his first tray choice.

Apple stamping. He really just wanted to eat the apples and paint with his hands.
Nothing to do with apples, but this is just a picture of our day off. My kids love puzzles.

Asa and Silas both do 25 piece ones (as long as they are in trays). Annabelle has been working on 100 piece ones! (Although she needs some help along the way).

Yeah....I tire my kids out. Silas has been refusing to nap sometimes in the afternoon (
NNNNOOOOOOoooooo!!!!!). If he doesn't nap he usually crashes watching
tv around 4:30. I found him on our mini trampoline one afternoon.

Baby, don't you know beds are so much more comfortable?

I hope that everyone else has been having a wonderful fall season! Happy blogging.
hakLinking up to 1+1+1=1
some day i can't deal- they are so cute :)